
A.1 - The Governance Scope

The Governance Scope regulates the governance processes and balance of power of the Sky Ecosystem. The Governance Scope must ensure that the resilient equilibrium of Sky Governance remains protected against all potential direct and indirect threats.
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This Article regulates the Weekly Governance Cycle which comprises two distinct subsets, the Operational Weekly Cycle and the Atlas Edit Weekly Cycle.
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This Section defines the Atlas Edit Weekly Cycle which provides a predictable framework for weekly edits to the Atlas. The Atlas Edit Weekly Cycle is implemented via Governance Polls.
The subdocuments herein provide a breakdown of the Atlas Edit Weekly Cycle.
In the transition to Endgame, the Atlas can be edited through the submission of an Atlas Edit Weekly Cycle Proposal (also "Weekly Cycle Proposal" or "Proposal"). Multiple amendments to multiple components of the Atlas are allowed to be submitted in a single Weekly Cycle Proposal. A single Weekly Cycle Proposal may seek to remove multiple components of the Atlas. Atlas Edits must always adhere to the Spirit of the Atlas and remain within the bounds of Universal Alignment.